Judith Basin County Weed Board Minutes

January 22, 2019

Call to order by Jim Kulish @ 1:40 pm

Present: Lowell Hodge, John McCray, John Bodner, Rod Mikkelsen, Jim Kulish, Roger Riley, Michelle Lynn, Jim Sparks, and Katie Hatlelid

Minutes were presented by Secretary Hatlelid, Rod M. moved (John M. 2nd) to approve as presented.  Motion passed

Jim Sparks had two items of public comment for the board’s information.

-          There is a bill in the legislature this year that would add $1 to each license plate registration in the state to help fund weed control.  If passed it would amount to $24,000 per county in annual funding to go towards weed control. 

-          Dave Burch will retire at the end of May.  He has been an asset to all weed control associations across the state and will be missed.  Possible replacement may be Jasmine Reimer.

Old Business:

Grant Results – Michelle again applied for the NWTF grant of $7,500 to be used as compensation for writing grants for the board.  $46,785 was applied for in the whitetop grant, the hearings and awards of these grants will be March 4th – 8th, 2019. 

Biocontrol Workshop – August 13th there was a workshop and collection day held in Geyser.  Several new attendees, and enough insects were collected for a release on an attendees land.  Weather was a factor in the low numbers of insects found that particular day.  We will look at doing another collection day next summer.  John M. moved to cancel previous years’ $400 donation due to non-payment and renew the previous motion for this fiscal year.  Motion Passed.  Katie will find the donation form.

Yearly Budget – For the current fiscal year the weed board has only used ~25% of the annual budget.  This is normal, as most of the expense comes in the spring of the year during spraying season.  We are set up well to attack the weeds in the county again this year.

Board member renew – Lowell Hodge’s term was up in 2018, he has agreed to serve another term.  Katie will take this to the Commissioners and recommend re-appointment.

Roncor Mine - A complaint was reported regarding the Roncor Mine property having several species of noxious weeds going unchecked this summer.  It was briefly investigated and will be followed up on this spring.

New Business:

Spray Contract 2020 & 2021 – The contract will be advertised in November for the ’20 – ’21 spray seasons.  At the meeting following the bid period the board will make a recommendation for the recipient.

Next meeting date – Will call for a meeting in mid-November

Adjourned – 3:04 pm