Regular Meeting

July 5, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


ABSENT:                               Commissioner Cody McDonald


ALSO PRESENT:                 Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                County Attorney Heather Perry

                                                S “N” Weeds, Jim Sparks



Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the July 5, 2017 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to accept the June 27, 2017 minutes, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Jim Sparks in on road spraying in county.


Commissioner Hajenga so moved to participate into the PILT claim, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Heather & Mandy – discussed county email policy and the proper channels for distributing employee events (unrelated to work).


Stahly Engineering Contract/tabled


Kelley Goodhart Lease Agreement/tabled


Commission Hajenga moved to sign Central MT Family Planning Agreement, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga and Commissioner Moore conducted road inspections:  David Road, Coyote Creek, Benchland Denton, Double G, Louse Creek and Moccasin townsite.





______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY





Regular Meeting

July 11, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


ALSO PRESENT:                 Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the July 11, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Called Lt. Governor Mike Cooney concerning HB11 and to see if the TSEP funding is possible. Legislature still needs to approve.  Governor will send a letter to explain the HB11 process.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to accept the July 5, 2018 minutes, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to accept the Staley Engineering 7-year contract, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the June 30, 2018 Reconciliation Reports, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.




Present:               DES Coordinator/Safety Coordinator Mike Howell

County Attorney Heather Perry

Justice of Peace Larry Carver

Treasure Tammy Zier

Commissioner Don Hajenga

Road/Weed/Bridge Supervisor Roger Riley

Maintenance Rodney Ridgeway

JB County Ambulance Coordinator Suzanne Aune

Sheriff/Coroner Jon Schmitt

Commissioner Jim Moore

Librarian Jeanne Lillegard

Commissioner Cody McDonald

Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools Jennifer Taylor


Absent:                JB County Extension Agent Katie Hatlelid


Mike Howell presented a “Active Shooter Training Video”, then group discussed points to consider in the individual departments.


Heather – busy year, reminding everyone that if you have sent a request to her and haven’t heard back just keep reminding her.


Tammy – Tax Lien Sale – August 1; the office mailed out several delinquency notices and the office will not negotiate Penalty and Interest.


Don – besides county business this quarter Don reported on Central MT Health District Meetings.


Jennifer – Clerk’s side of her position has been busy keeping up with Heather and Larry’s court cases.  New Jury pool is set.  School budgets will be coming in shortly and the County Bus Transportation meeting is set for July 25th at 10:00 a.m.


Amanda – working on budgets; FY18 Budget Amendment Hearing and FY19 Preliminary Budget Hearing is set for July 18th.  The office is gearing up for General Election in November.


Cody – Ackley Lake Board is still meeting regularly.  When Senator Daines was in Stanford a couple of weeks ago they had great discussions; Senator Daines and staff have been exceptional to work with.  Air Force has contracted out all the missile road maintenance in the county and they are almost complete, with the help of the newly adopted Speed Limit hopefully they will stay in good condition.


Mike – DES Fiscal year is changing to match the county’s fiscal year which will help keep the finances straight.  Mike is looking for full-scale exercise ideas.  A County Commissioner & Mike will be doing safety inspections in all the departments.


Roger – department is finishing up the first round of blading and the department did the wash-out repairs on the South Fork Road.


Rodney – lots of things to do, working inside and out.  Sprinkler system is being repaired today.


Larry – Justice Court became a Court of Recorder/July 1st.  Larry and Jennifer are on a learning curve,

e-filing is slowing down the processes.  New officers in the Sheriff’s department are doing a great job/issuing lots of tickets.


Heather – commented on the efficiencies of receiving reports from the Sheriff’s Office since the additional office space was created. 


Jim – stated that the informational articles in the JB Press concerning the County Audit and Sheriff’s Office have been great for PR.  Jim is the representative for JB County Commissioners on the Council on Aging and they have just appointed Sharon Backa to replace Rosalie Bruchez as a member at large. Sharon attended the last meeting and is really enjoying her new position.  Jim also represents JB County on the Mental Health Board and things are bleak in that area; funding cuts and they are hurting.  Heather commented that the Family Services funding is also hurting and children are being returned to homes of known Meth users.  Everyone needs to visit with Legislatures and the importance of funding for Mental Health and Family services.


Jeanne – the Library addition is complete and we are a blessed community that all the funds were donated, “we should be proud”.  Jeanne invited all to come and see their new building.  Hobson Library is now being run by Kim Baumann and Kim is doing a great job.


Group discussed the possibility of holding a “Courthouse” Open House during Fair week.  Inviting all our citizens into the building to see our improvements, Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly will put together financial information on the remodeling to distribute to our taxpayers.  It is important to keep our public informed and understand that we had saved funds for several years to be able to afford the improvements and not have to raise taxes.







______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY































Regular Meeting

July 18, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     EMS Coordinator Suzanne Aune

                                                Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Road/Weed/Bridge Supervisor Roger Riley


Commissioner Moore moved to accept the July 18, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Roger – discussed roads and where the crew is working.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the Resolution #FY2018-23/FY18 Budget Amendments, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the July 11, 2018 minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Suzanne – working on grants and will have TDK install bumpers and grill guards on two ambulances.


Jon Schmitt – discussed interrogation room.


Bill Youngbauer – stopped to discuss disposing of old houses in town.


Commissioner Hajenga called Stefen Streeter requesting a speed limit from the 1st exist into Stanford thru the 3rd exist into Stanford.


Commissioner Hajenga did a walk thru of the courthouse to check on maintenance items and talked with the employees.







______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY







Regular Meeting

July 25, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga


Absent:                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Librarian Jeanne Lillegard

                                                Maintenance Rodney Ridgeway

                                                Road/Weed/Bridge Roger Riley

                                                Library Board Caroline Jette


Commissioner Moore approved the amended July 25, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Rodney – discussed courthouse projects.


On July 19th Commission Hajenga and Commissioner Moore met with BN Railroad in Geyser concerning the possibility of BN abandonments of RR crossings in the county.  Don and Jim highly discouraged this.


July 20th Commissioner McDonald attended HRDC meeting in Lewistown.


July 23rd Commissioner Hajenga and Commissioner Moore attended Forest Service Planning meeting in Stanford.


Commissioners received a letter from Governor Bullock on TSEP Program.


Caroline Jette reported on receiving partial payment from Strand Foundation of $55,789.47 and also the notification from Steele-Reese Foundation of the $15,000 award letter that was received.  Also discussed working with the courthouse to order sod for the area between the elevator project and the library.


Commissioners walked thru the area to view landscaping needs and called the sod farm for prices.  Commissioners also called Dusty’s Sprinklers on sod installation and watering concerns.


Jeanne in for future library plans.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY




Regular Meeting

August 1, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Carolyn Jette

Gianforte field representative Tayla Snapp


Commissioner Moore moved to approve August 1, 2018 Agenda, second Don Hajenga, motion carried.


Carolyn – discussed the wrap-up Library project and landscaping.


Tayla Snapp – discussed bills that Greg Gianforte is working on.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the July 18, 2018 minutes second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the July 25, 2018 minutes, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Commissioners called Peak Electric to schedule installing a light above the courthouse rotunda. 







______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY

















Regular Meeting

August 8, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Maintenance Rodney Ridgeway

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Roger Riley

                                                Library Board Carolyn Jette


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the August 8, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Rodney – informed the Commissioners that the pump in the water system failed.


Commissioner Moore moved to approved the August 1, 2018 Minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Carolyn Jette – stopped to discuss library issues.


Commissioner McDonald signed Tax Cancelation #9-2018.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to accept the July 2018 County Reconciliation Report, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga helped with Road Department interviews.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY














Regular Meeting

August 15, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Ambulance Coordinator Suzanne Aune

Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

Librarian Jeanne Lillegard

Maintenance Rodney Ridgeway

Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor

Clerk Court/Supt Schools Jennifer Taylor


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the updated August 15, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Suzanne – reported that the new bumpers for the ambulances have been installed, Commissioners inspected.


Rodney – installed a new pump in the sprinkler system.


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the August 8, 2018 Minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Jennifer T – discussed county school transportation issues.


Jeanne L – Library update and invited the Commissioners to attend lunch. 


Jeanne & Cody represent Judith Basin Co. on the HRDC Board and they are holding a raffle and would like each county to donate up to $50.00.


Commissioner McDonald completed Bond Status query for Liberty Mutual on the Courthouse project.


Roger - in on road issues with speed limit signs and work being done.


Commissioners attend a MACO District 6 & 7 meeting in Billings on August 13, 2018.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to sign the S64-FY2018 Application for Supplemental Discretionary Funding for the airport, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Amanda – reviewed FY19 Budget documents for Public Hearing on August 22, 2018.




______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY

Regular Meeting

August 22, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     DES Coordinator Mike Howell

                                                Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Road/Weed/Bridge Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Sheriff Jon Schmitt

                                                Jim Sparks


Commissioner Moore moved to accept August 22, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to accept the August 15, 2018 Minutes, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Jim Sparks – Discussed weed issues in county and fall spraying.


Jon – discussed office lights and car decals.


Mike – discussed pager issues and how to solve.


Roger – FY2019 Budget discussions.




Present:  Commissioner McDonald, Commissioner Hajenga and Commissioner Moore, Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly and Road/Weed/Bridge Supervisor Roger Riley


Group reviewed FY19 Budget document; Commissioner Hajenga moved to adopt Resolution FY2019-2/Judith Basin County budget and the setting of the mills, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY







Regular Meeting

August 29, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Road/Weed/Bridge Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools Jennifer Taylor

                                                Darren Highfill & Al Stutzman

                                                Carolyn Jette


Commissioner Moore moved to accept the August 29, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the August 21, 2018 Commissioner Minutes, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Darren Highfill & Al Stutzman – requested permission to install a construction pod on the Geyser Community Hall & Sr. Citizens property in Geyser for temporary class rooms for their church activities.  The church group is willing to pay electrical installation expenses, monthly power usage and any additional insurance expenses.  Commissioner requested a copy of the group’s insurance policy and lease agreement between the Geyser Community Hall and the church group.  (it will need to be sent into MACO Property & Liability Insurance for review and approval).  It was decided that the commissioners and Al Stutzman would travel to Geyser in the afternoon to look over the location the group is planning on setting up the pod.


Carolyn J. – drain field and landscaping bill from Aamold Construction has been turned in and paid by the Library Guild.


Supt of Schools Jennifer Taylor – present the FY19 School Budgets, County-Wide Transportation and County-Wide Retirement mills to the Commissioners for acknowledgement.  Commissioner McDonald signed the budgets and mill notification.  Commissioner McDonald requested a copy of each of the schools budgets for his information. 


Roger – road updates and mowers


Commissioner Hajenga called Wade Cebulski Aviation Administration in Helena for information on lights for the towers.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY

Regular Meeting

September 5, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Extension Agent Katie Hatlelid

                                                Co. Attorney Heather Perry

                                                Maintenance Rodney Ridgeway

                                                Road/Weed/Bridge Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools Jennifer Taylor


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the September 5, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Jennifer – presented amendment to the Hobson School Budget; to the overall mills requested.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the August 29, 2018 Minutes, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Commissioners sent a letter approving the speed study recommendations to MT Department of Transportation.


Commissioners inspected Sage Creek Road to missile site.


Roger & Heather – discussed Gas Tax and Road easements.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY














Regular Meeting

September 12, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools Jennifer Taylor


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the August 12, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the Forest Service Agreement, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried, Commissioner McDonald signed the Agreement.


Jennifer – Commissioner McDonald signed the revised Geyser H.S. and Elementary School Budgets.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the August 5, 2018 minutes, second Commissioner Moore motion carried.


Commission Hajenga moved to approve the August 2018 County Reconciliation Report, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to retain Susan Swimley of Bozeman as an expert for the county road resolution; budgeting up to $5,000 out of County Land Planning funds, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Barb Skelton returned call about snow fence in the Hobson area.







______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY












Regular Meeting

September 19, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald


Absent:                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Maintenance Rodney Ridgway

                                                Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools Jennifer Taylor

                                                Undersheriff Tim Wilhelms


With Commissioner Hajenga and Commissioner Moore attending MACO Annual Convention this week, Commissioner McDonald was only able to visit with the following departments:


Jennifer – discussed when would be the best time to start advertising for Clerk of Court’s Deputy position.


Rodney – discussed retirement date.


Tim – inquired about finishing the lights in the Sheriff office.   Commissioner McDonald called Central Electric and they should be out next week.







______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY


















Regular Meeting

September 26, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Maintenance Rodney Ridgeway

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley


Commissioner Moore moved to approve September 26, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve September 12th & 19th Minutes, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Rodney – discussed winterization of the sprinkler system.


Roger – discussed roads and new mowers.


Commissioners approved final claims for September 2018 and September 2018 Payroll.


Commissioners reviewed MSU Extension Contract FY18-19; Commissioner Moore moved to approve, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioners received Tri-party agreement between JB County, BNSF Railway Company and the State of MT for project RRP-RRS 23(25), [9297] to upgrade the existing at-grade crossing signals and activation equipment located at crossing U.S. DOT 088 354P (North Windham Road).  Commissioner Hajenga so moved to enter into the agreement, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioners received M.O.U. with BLM; Commissioner Hajenga moved to sign agreement and will be the County contact, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly – discussed 3rd Quarter Department Head agenda, Resolution to set Uniform Allowance for the Sheriff office and Resolution to set clothing allowance for the Road Department. 






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY




Regular Meeting

October 3, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     DES Coordinator Michael Howell

                                                Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley


Commissioner Hajenga moved to accept the October 3, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Mike Howell – Discussed courthouse security camera’s.  Commissioner McDonald signed the 2018 DES obligation document.


Commissioner Moore moved to approve September 26, 2018 Minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga so moved to pass Resolution #FY19-03/Sheriff Office Uniform Allowance, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga so moved to pass Resolution #FY2019-04/Road Department Steel Toe Boot Stipend, second Commissioner McDonald, Commissioner Hajenga and Commissioner McDonald so moved to approve; Commissioner Moore Opposed, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga so moved to sign Malmstrom Extraordinary Snow Removal Agreement (October 1, 2018-September 30, 2023), second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioner Moore moved to accept the September 2018 Reconciliation Report, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY









Regular Meeting

October 10, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Clerk of Court/Supt of School Jennifer Taylor

                                                Stanford School Superintendent Tim Dolphay

                                                Judith Basin Press Melody Montgomery

                                                Greg Gianforte Field Representative Tayla Snapp


Commissioner Moore moved to approve October 10, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to accept the October 3, 2018 minutes, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Tayla Snapp – Discussed County concerns.




Present:               Commissioner Don Hajenga

Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools Jennifer Taylor

Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

Commissioner Cody McDonald

Maintenance Rodney Ridgeway

Justice of Peace Larry Carver

Sheriff/Coroner Jon Schmitt

Commissioner Jim Moore

JB County Extension Agent Katie Hatlelid


Absent:                DES Coordinator/Safety Coordinator Mike Howell

County Attorney Heather Perry

Treasure Tammy Zier

Road/Weed/Bridge Supervisor Roger Riley

JB County Ambulance Coordinator Suzanne Aune

Librarian Jeanne Lillegard


SAFETY Instructions proved by DES/Safety Coordinator Mike Howell on Extension & Power Strip Safety


Don – In August attended District Meeting and worked budgets, September MACO Annual Conference, Central MT Health District meetings-looking for a new Sanitarian and county had (1) case campylobacter reported.

Jennifer – office is busy with a variety, 11 Felony cases field since January, School budgets completed and awaiting Transportation information (Bus Driver Certifications, routes & numbers), currently there are (4) Jury Trials scheduled.


Mandy – besides normal workload Annual Budgets, GASB 75, provide information to the Auditor FY18 Financials & Audit, Elections and HR duties are keeping things steady.


Cody – working on Blanket easement for County Roads, (rating roads for use/maintenance, etc), Ackley Lake Club has been active (8 new campsites have been installed, working on a walking path, Fish Derby’s), Signed Agreement with RR/MDT/County for Windham RR Crossing arms.


Rodney – boiler is up and running, museum winterized, getting ready to pull flowers for the season end and new sod will be delivered and sprinkler system completed in November.


Jon – transporting prisoners for hearings, with the (3) big cases coming up for trial lots of investigation work, Deputy Cichosz will be attending DUI Certification Training, Deputy Gibbs will be out on vacation, Deputy Gibbs is scheduled for the Police Academy in January and Deputy Cichosz in April, DUI Task Force will be helping with camera cost for car’s and body camera’s, officers are busy on the Highway due to lack of Highway Patrol in our area.


Jim – attended Council on Aging and Mental Health meetings, both agencies are feeling state government budget cuts; JB County did increase our County contributions to Mental Health with the stipulation of keeping our local facility in Lewistown open, MT Weed Control Association is looking at an increase on licenses plates to help fund Noxious weeds.


Meeting adjourned.



 – presented Resolution FY2019-05/Special Gas Tax; Commissioner Moore so moved to pass Resolution FY2019-05, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.

                -presented Resolution FY2019-06/Commissioner Computer Stipend; Commissioner Hajenga so moved to pass, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Roger – discussed Elevator Roads.


Jennifer - discussed starting wage for Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools Deputy’s position.


Tim Dolphay – discussed turn around at 8-Mile Hill Road for bus.


Melody Montgomery – discussed possible newspaper articles.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY

Regular Meeting

October 17, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the October 17, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Commissioner received call from Stahly Engineering Kathy Thompson concerning Special Gas Tax funds.  Matter was taken care of last week.


Commissioner Moore moved to accept the October 10, 2018 minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Commissioners reviewed 5-yr Airport Capital Improvement Plan, Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


BID OPENING: 1989 Chev Ambulance

(1)    Bid was received from Cody McDonald for $1,223.00.  Commissioner Moore so moved to sell the ambulance to C McDonald, second Commissioner Hajenga, and motion passed.  Commissioner McDonald abstained from the vote.


Discussed courthouse starting wage; it was decided to remain at the $12.85 that was set in June 2018.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY














Regular Meeting

October 24, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools Jennifer Taylor

                                                County Treasure Tammy Zier


Commissioner Hajenga so moved to approve the October 24, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Tammy – present Taxpayer Value Cancellation/Addition #20-2018 was signed by Commissioner Moore.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the Octo 17, 2018 Minutes, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to sign agreement for Correctional Risk Services (Inmate Medical Insurance), second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Roger – road discussions.


Commissioner McDonald received call from Harold McKinley concerning road to his cabin, Commissioner McDonald informed Mr. McKinley of his options.







______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY














Regular Meeting

October 31, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Justice Peace Larry Carver

                                                Maintenance Rodney Ridgeway

                                                Road/Weed/Bridge Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Sheriff Jon Schmitt


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the October 30, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the October 24, 2018 Minutes, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Larry – discussed Legislative items for next session


Jon – update on new vehicles and Interrogation room.


Rodney – sprinkler system was installed yesterday and Dusty’s is currently installing the new sod.


Senator Daine’s/Field Representative Robin Baker – discussed Legislative & Wilderness area issues.


Commissioner McDonald signed Stanford Rural Fire District Annual Financial Report.


Cody & Don checked road North of Raynesford, Cora Creek, Williams Creek, North Spionkop, South Peak and MT 551.


Roger – PTH discussion and culverts in different areas, road work Raynesford, North Moccasin, Buffalo area and Elevator road south of RR tracks at Moccasin.


Helped Rod clean-up downstairs entry way, storage shed.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY






Regular Meeting

November 7, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Allete Clean Energy John Hollingsworth & James Moran

                                                Wanzek a MasTec Company Derek Tollefson

                                                Cody Swanson


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the November 7, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the October 31, 2018 Minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to accept the October 31, 2018 Reconciliation Report, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Roger Riley– phoned Frontline Ag Solutions about the tractor we are leasing.


Cody Swanson – in requesting a sign for Short Grass Road and House number signs.


Allete Clean Energy John Hollingsworth Development Manager& James Moran Project Manager, along with Wanzek Derek Tollefson stopped into update the Commissioners on the progress of the 2019 Wind Farm Project that is being added to the Geyser site. 






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY












Regular Meeting

November 14, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Tractor & Equipment Craig Pester


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the November 14, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the November 7, 2018 Minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Taxpayer Value Cancellation/addition Number 21-2018, 22-2018, 23-2018 and 24-2018 signed by Commissioner McDonald.


Commissioners phoned MDT Bud Pederson about Eddies Korner Intersection.  It appears construction will be starting sometime in 2019.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY



















Regular Meeting

November 14, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Absent:                                Commissioner Don Hajenga


Also present:                     Deputy Treasure Gloria Hungate

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Larry Carver


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the November 21, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner McDonald, motion carried.


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the November 14, 2018 Minutes, second Commissioner McDonald, motion carried.


Gloria – Tax collection list


Roger – Road and budget discussion


Larry Carver – discussed Airport future






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY


















Regular Meeting

November 28, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Absent:                                Commissioner Don Hajenga


Also present:                     County Treasure Tammy Zier

                                                Jim & Heather Dye


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the November 28, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner McDonald, motion carried.


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the November 14, 2018 Minutes, second Commissioner McDonald, motion carried.


Commissioners reviewed and approved claims and November 2018 Payroll.


Tammy – discussed Protested taxes for Phillips 66 & Rocky Mountain Pipeline System.


Jim & Heather Dye – reported road work that needs done on the North Windham Road and culvert collapsing east of Benchland Cemetery.


Commissioner McDonald helped with interviews in the a.m. and p.m.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY
















Regular Meeting

December 5, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly


Commissioner Moore moved to accept December 5, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the November 28, 2018 minutes, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly presented Resolution #FY2019-07/FY18 Budget Amendments, Commissioner Hajenga moved to pass, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald called Shawn Ruckman of Peak Electric about the museum and courthouse work.  Shawn will try and start the job on February 19, 2019.







______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY




















Regular Meeting

December 12, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Ambulance Coordinator Suzanne Aune

                                                Co. Extension Agent Katie Hatlelid

                                                Tyler Youderian


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the December 12, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve December 5, 2018 Minutes, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to accept the November 2018 Reconciliation Report, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Suzanne Aune – discussion of ambulance clothing


Tyler Youderian – Airport discussion







______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY

















Regular Meeting

December 19, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     DES Coordinator Mike Howell

                                                Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Mike Howell

                                                Sheriff Jon Schmitt

                                                Jim Sparks

                                                Jim Yeagley


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the December 19, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the December 12, 2018 Minutes, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Jim Sparks – discussed JB County Weed Grants and weed control plans.


DES Howell and Sheriff Schmitt – Mike received word that his application for the Home Land Security Grant was approved to install 19 security camera’s in the building.  Total grant is $1,578.88 short of the total cost.  Group discussed using facility supplies to cover the difference.  Jon has been obtaining bids for the equipment needed for the Interrogation room and the estimates he has received have been running around $18,000.00.  However, if we add this room to the security camera project it will only cost an additional $2,556.00.  Mike will make an appointment with DIS Mat Davidson to discuss the details of the camera’s and also the panic buttons that he discussed in his bid.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve Interlocal Agreement between the MT Dept of Justice, Motor Vehicle Division and Judith Basin County, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Planner Jim Yeagly presented Otter Creek Ridge Minor Subdivision to the commissioners for approval.  Jim and Commissioners reviewed the Staff Report that was prepared by Jim.  Commissioner Hajenga so moved to approve, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga attended an informational meeting held by Lt. Governor Mike Cooney concerning Governor’s plans for 2019 for the State of Montana.  Details of the Governor’s budget were discussed.  Commissioner Hajenga learned that once again Malstrom Air Force Base is being looked at as a Federal Budget cut JB County in addition to all the other surrounding counties need to stay active offering our support when we can.






Roger – road discussion


Called and visited with RPA Bill Burkland concerning the Stanford Airport.  It is once again time to place a Request for Proposal in the newspaper advertising for an Engineer.   Commissioners will work with Clerk Amanda Kelly to prepare the RFP.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER CODY MCDONALD                                         CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY




































Regular Meeting

December 26, 2018


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                DES Coordinator Mike Howell

                                                Sheriff Jon Schmitt

                                                Digital Imagine Services Matt Davidson


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the December 26, 2018 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion carried.


Commissioner Moore moved to approve the December 19, 2018 Minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Matt Davidson – reviewed proposal from DIS for the security cameras and DIStress buttons.  Matt will make some adjustment to his bid and send updated copies.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY





















Regular Meeting

January 2, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Justice of Peace Larry Carver

                                                Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools Jennifer Taylor

                                                Deputy Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools Julie Deegan

                                                Deputy Treasure Gloria Hungate


Commissioner McDonald so moved to pass Resolution FY2019-08/Appointing James D. Moore as Chairman of the Board for 2019, seconded Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald so moved to approve the January 2, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Commissioner McDonald so moved to approve the December 26, 2018 Minutes, seconded Commissioner Hajenga, motion carried.


Commissioner McDonald so moved to pass Resolution FY2019-09/Setting Courthouse hours, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga so moved to pass Resolution FY2019-10/Setting JB County Mileage, Lodging and Per Diem reimbursement rates, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed


Commissioner Hajenga so moved to pass Resolution FY2019-11/Public Posting, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald so moved to pass Resolution FY2019-12/Employee Calendar and set Commissioner meeting dates, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools Jennifer Taylor stopped to introduce Julie K Deegan the newly hired Deputy Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools.


Deputy Treasure Gloria Hungate delivered Delinquent Tax listing to the commissioners.




Present:               Treasure Tammy Zier

                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools Jennifer Taylor

Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

Commissioner Cody McDonald

DES Coordinator Mike Howell

Ambulance Coordinator Suzanne Aune

Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

Maintenance Rodney Ridgeway

Justice of Peace Larry Carver

Sheriff/Coroner Jon Schmitt

Commissioner Jim Moore

Librarian Jeanne Lillegard

JB County Extension Agent Katie Hatlelid


Absent:                 County Attorney Heather Perry


Tammy – Collecting taxes, getting ready to send delinquent tax notices and January is usually a busy time in the office for MV Licenses.  Over $200,000.00 in Protested Taxes (Centrally Assessed).


Don – in addition to the normal office hours Don has attended Town of Stanford; Public meeting concerning Water Rate increases, Friends of the Little Belts, Central MT Health District, E.O. meeting with updates from the Governor’s office on the upcoming Legislative session and the Library Board meeting.


Jennifer – new employee Julie K Deegan started today, will be busy training and preparing for (2) trials in February and (1) March.  First ˝ Retirement payment was distributed to the schools.  End of February there is a scheduled Supt of Schools Conference. 


Heather – not able to attend helping Fergus Co. with a couple of cases.  Currently Heather is scheduled for (12) Felony cases in JB County and (4) Felony cases in Fergus Co. 


Mandy – General Election finalized, FY18 Financial Statement completed and filed.  Distributed the newly adopted 2019 Employee Calendar.


Cody – addition to the Wind Farm is scheduled to begin in 2019.  The county will be working with the developers on the Agreements in February or March; the project has to be completed by 2020 for them to receive the tax breaks.  Friends of Ackley Lake are organizing a Fishing Derby for January 26th.  Funds will be used to work on campsites etc. 


Mike – state DES audited his department everything is in good shape.  Received word that the Home Land Security Grant that Mike applied for was approved to install security cameras in the courthouse.  County is also going to install DIStress buttons in a few of the offices.  (22) Cameras will be motion detection activation. 


Suzanne – Ambulance volunteers total 25 EMT’s and 5 drivers.  The newly trained EMT’s have been great, since they completed their training we haven’t had to double page people for responses.  Suz received a grant from DPHHS to help pay for the new technology for on-line patient reports and has been working on another grant for coats.  Pager issues are at a low, we are just a rural area and not all reception is full-proof. 


Roger – department has been hauling gravel with minimal snow plowing.  Business as usual.


Rodney – maintaining boiler, limited snow shoveling and counting down the days for retirement.


Larry – passed his Certification.   Larry announced his plans for retiring and moving to Sealy Lake at the end of March.  Larry has a Job Description and will help the Commissioners as requested to help fill his vacant position.


Jon – Deputy Nolan Gibbs has decided Law Enforcement is not for him.  The office will be interviewing applicants for his position this afternoon.  Deputy Cichosz starts Law Enforcement Academy January 5th and will be gone for 3 months.  Department is busy gathering evidence together for a couple of big cases. 


Jim – continues his duties on the 12 County Mental Health Board and this is the first time in a long that the agency have been in the black.  We all need to keep a close eye on the Legislature and their activities this upcoming session.  County received notification updating our status on the TSEP funding that was cut the last session.  Our ranking remains high and we are still hopeful to receive the TSEP Grant.  Commissioners requested a study on Hwy 87 near Stanford and a new 6s MPH speed limit has been installed from the By Way to the Sundown Motel, it has been reported that the public is respecting the signs and traffic has slowed down.  Commissioners are considering requesting a study for the Windham area also.  Jim has received a couple of positive comments on the install of the elevator which is always nice to hear.


Jeanne – Library held an Open House during the Stanford Christmas Stroll, Jerome Kolar, singer from the Great Falls Symphony Jordan Jensen and her father Ronald Neal entertained the public.  The event was highly successful and enjoyed by all that stopped in.  Library has applied for grants from the Stanford and Central MT Foundation to help with purchases for the children’s room.  Building project is still in debt to the county for $13,000; but with a project over 1 million that isn’t too bad.  Jeanne received a summons for Federal Jury duty the month of February, so she will call in weekly to see if she will have to serve.  The Library’s next big project is to digitize the Judith Basin Press.


Katie – Office and 4-H Clubs are entering into a busy time of the 4-H Year.  So of the other upcoming Extension activities include, Cropping Seminar (offers 3 points for applicators license), Maggie in Great Falls and Winter Fair in Lewistown.  Jim Moore mentioned that one of the features at the Winter Fair this year is an Estate Planning Workshop put on by that Estate Planning Specialist Marsha Goetting.  Friday, January 4th will be Katie’s 4-Yr Anniversary with Extension.


Meeting adjourned.


Larry C. was in to discuss Justice of Peace Job Description and advertising.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY



Regular Meeting

January 9, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Justice of Peace Larry Carver

                                                Extension Agent Katie Hatlelid

                                                Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                County Attorney Heather Perry

                                                Road/Weed/Bridge Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Treasure Tammy Zier

                                                Stahly Engineering Robie Culver

                                                Judith Basin Press Melody Montgomery

                                                Jim Sparks

                                                Precision Paving & Aggregate James Uzlic


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the January 9, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Katie - in on extension.


Roger – in on road variance at wind farm.


Mandy – questioned Roger & Commissioners about gravel payments and which funds they planned on using?


Heather  easements on County Roads.


Heather, Larry & Mandy – reviewed Justice of Peace draft outline of position.  A few adjustments were made and interview process was discussed.  With this being an appointment of an Elected Official, the decision is up to the Commissioners.  However, they can ask additional individuals to advise them.  Commissioners will contact Fergus County Justice of Peace Kelly Mantooth and Chouteau County Attorney Steve Gannon if they would be available to sit in on the interviews.


Heather, Tammy, Larry & Mandy – Reviewed the updated laws on the process to collect funds on a NSF check. 


Stahly Engineering Robie Culver – stopped in to update the Commissioners on the upcoming Legislative Hearing for the TSEP Bridge Grant. 


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve January 2, 2019 minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to accept the December 2018 County Reconciliation Report, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Precision Paving & Aggregate James Uzlic – stopped to talk to the Commissioners about paving the courthouse parking lot.


Commissioners sent a letter to MDT requesting a Speed Study at Windham on HWY 87. 


Commissioner McDonald moved to accept Bid Proposals from DIS for Security Camera’s, DIStress buttons and recording equipment for the interrogation room, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to sign Certification of Match for Area II Agency on Aging for FY19 Funding, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to pass Resolution FY2019-13/JB County Employee and Elected Official Longevity Scale, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve MACO Property & Casualty Agent Appointment & Agreement, MACO Workers Compensation Agent Appointment and Agreement and 2019-2020 PCT Renewal Schedule Property, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to adopt the Justice of Peace Outline of Job Description, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner Moore called Kelly Mantooth concerning setting in on the JP Interviews.


Commissioner Hajenga talked to Fire Warden Steve Hedstrom on fire danger and it was decided to stop the issuance of Burn Permits until the weather conditions improve and we get some moisture.


Jim Sparks – in on Weed issues and seminars.


JB Press Melody Montgomery in to discuss the JB County Commissioners plans for 2019 and projects they are hoping to accomplish.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the RFP Engineer for Stanford Airport, second commissioner McDonald, motion passed.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY






Regular Meeting

January 16, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Road/Weed/Bridge Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Senator Daines Field Representative Robin Baker

                                                JB Fire Warden Steve Hedstrom


Commissioner Hajenga talked to Fire Warden Steve Hedstrom on fire concerns.  Will leave at “No” burn permits to be issued for now.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve January 16, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner McDonald, motion carried.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve January 9, 2019 Minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Roger in on road projects and bridge updates.


Robin Baker – discussed weed problems on missile sites, government shut down (what is open and not open), wilderness areas, Roadless areas and BLM grazing concerns.


Steve Hedstrom – stopped by the office for information for the Fire Board.


Commissioners worked on interview question for the Justice of Peace interview.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY













Regular Meeting

January 23, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Justice Peace Larry Carver

                                                Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools Jennifer Taylor

                                                Road/Weed/Bridge Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Triangle Communications Mike Zook


Commissioner McDonald move to approve January 23, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Clerk of Court Jennifer Taylor in on wage discrepancy between departments.


Mike Zook from Triangle Communications in on Fiber optic upgrades in Judith Basin County an easements that need to be signed.


Commission received a call from Allete Energy Debra Kellner concerning the Agreements between JB County and Allete for the Windfarm project.  Drafts of the documents will be coming from Allete. 


Roger in on road map updates and fuel taxes roads.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY

















Regular Meeting

January 30, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Absent:                                Commissioner Cody McDonald


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                RDO Sales Paul Jones

                                                Kevin Taylor

                                                Tyler Youderian


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve January 30, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, passed.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve January 23, 2019 Minutes, second Commissioner Moore, passed.


Commissioner Hajenga & Commissioner Moore reviewed and approved January 2019 Payroll.


RDO Paul Jones in for discussion on blades and tractor for running the PTH.


Kevin Taylor and Roger Riley – questioned why the difference in Courthouse Clerk position and Co. Attorney Administrative Assistant starting wage?  The starting wage for the Co. Attorney’s Admin Assistant was set July 1, 2018 after meeting with Co. Attorney Perry and discussing the difference in the level of work that is expected of the position -vs- the other clerk positions in the building.  Commissioners stated setting wages is extremely difficult task that is continually being worked on. 


Roger in to visit about power bills at the Stanford and Hobson shops.


Tyler Youderian – discussed Airport Lease Agreement between Biggerstaff’s and JB County.  Tyler is currently working with Biggerstaff’s on purchasing the lease and would like to make some changes.  Legality of sub-leasing buildings, gas tank and changing the Lease to a longer period of time?  Co. Attorney Perry will be consulted on these questions and get back with Tyler. 






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY





Regular Meeting

February 6, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Maintenance Rodney Ridgeway

Greg Gianforte Field Representative Tory Scribner


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve February 6, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve January 30, 2019 minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Rodney – stopped in to update Commissioners on courthouse maintenance and snow removal.


Commissioner McDonald moved to vote “NO” on out of School District pickup of students at Terry Claver’s for the Geyser School District, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Greg Gianforte Field Representative Tory Scribner stopped to update Commissioners on Legislative issues going on in Washington, D.C.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to accept January 2019 County Reconciliation Statement, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald and Commissioner Hajenga did a walk-thru of the courthouse to check for any problem areas for Warranty work/1-year warranty.  Contacted Diamond Construction Nate Pierce on concerns about loose floor tiles and base boards.


Opened Airport RFQ received from Robert Peccia and Associates for Airport Engineering.  Commissioners will individually review and score materials and decide on February 20, 2019.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY









February 13, 2019


























Regular Meeting

February 20, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Justice of Peace Larry Carver

                                                Diamond Construction Nate Pierce

and Sub-contractor Pierce Flooring Jeremy Whitfield

                                                Geyser School Supt. Shawn Harkins and Board Chairman Bret Vaskey


Commissioner Hajenga so moved to approve February 20, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Judge Carver in to discuss training and time for Interim Justice of the Peace.


Nate Pierce of Diamond Construction and Jeremy Whitfield stopped in on warranty work that needs to be done on the courthouse improvement project.  Pierce flooring are going to replace all the loose tiles.


Geyser School Supt. Shawn Harkins and Board Chairman Bret Vaskey in on snow concerns in Geyser at the school.   Commissioners have visited with the County’s insurance carrier and we will need to put a Memorandum of Understanding in place and then the Commissioners will talk to Roger about clearing a path through the school parking lot. 


Commissioner finished scoring RFQ for the selection of Airport Engineering Services.  Commissioner McDonald moved to accept Robert Peccia and Associates RFQ for the Biggerstaff Field, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioners received draft agreement from Allete Clean Energy for the Wind Farm.  Commissioners began working on the draft and will contract Allete Clean Energy to discuss changes that need to be made.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY








Regular Meeting

February 27, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     County Attorney Heather Perry

Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

Sheriff Jon Schmitt


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approved the February 27, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Commissioners reviewed draft agreement with Allete Clean Energy and attachments.  Changed items in 6.2 Impact fees and applicable percentage of taxable value. 


Commissioner Moore called Robert Peccia & Associates Bill Burkland to discuss steps for awarding the Engineering contract for the Biggerstaff Field. 


Commissioner McDonald called Department of Revenue to review the steps on Tax abatement for Allete Clean Energy for the South Peak Wind Farm project.


Commissioners received call from Deidra Annala on road issues in Geyser area.


Commissioner Hajenga received a call from Tyler Youderian reporting mechanical problems with the Snow Plow at the airport.


Roger – in to discuss slow plowing on county road and equipment issues.


Commissioner Moore signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Fergus County for being a member of the Central MT Health District and Judith Basin County’s continued membership.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the February 20, 2019 Minutes, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Sheriff Schmitt in with information on vehicle repairs and road conditions.


Received a call from Tara in Benchland, complaint on road driveway and intersections in the area.


Commissioner Hajenga called Mike Youderian to have him get Hoven Equipment or Skinner to fix plow at the airport.




______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY

 Regular Meeting

March 6, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Ambulance Coordinator Suzanne Aune

Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

Co. Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

County Treasure Tammy Zier


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve March 6, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve February 27, 2019 Minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Roger- in on plowing conditions of the roads and maintenance problems with the equipment.


Commissioner McDonald did a walk thru with Electrician Shane Ruckman on items that need fixed in the courthouse.


Suzanne A – in for information on meetings and personnel issues involving the ambulance volunteers.


Commissioner Moore called Todd Wood on the upcoming Council on Aging Meeting set for March 15th.


Commissioner Hajenga returned a call to Cynthia Derks concerning a road in her area that needs to be plowed.


Debra Kellner from Allete Clean Energy called to go over the contract agreement for South Peak Wind Farm and discuss changes the commissioners requested.


Commissioner McDonald called on an Oshkosh Snow Blower available in New Hampshire to check on condition and prices.


Tammy –in concerning Protested Tax settlement for Phillips 66 that was received from the MT Department of Revenue cancellation #25-2018, #26-2018, #27-2018, #28-2018 and #29-2018.


Commissioner McDonald called Malstrom AirForce Base on hold up of project at windfarm.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY

Regular Meeting

March 13, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Road/Weed/Bridge Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Lindsey Soulsby


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve March 13, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald so moved to approve March 6, 2019 Minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga received a call from Keith Derks about snow in the middle of the road from Denton to Benchland and also in the Utica area.


Commissioner Hajenga received call from Wade Cebulski from Montana Aviation and Administration on tower lights.


Lindsey Soulsby – in on snow plowing concerns on their lane (from the highway to their house).


Roger – in on snow plowing and information on Oshkosh Snowblower that is in route from New Hampshire. 


Commissioners, Heather Perry HR Director and Amanda Kelly HR Administrator held closed meeting.


Commissioners reviewed February Reconciliation reports, Commissioner McDonald so moved to accept, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner Moore signed Conservation District Grant Application.


Commissioner McDonald move to table signing Development Agreement with South Peak Wind LLC to March 20th, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioners went over training and job duties involved with the county road crew with Supervisor Riley. 






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY

Regular Meeting

March 20, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Ambulance Coordinator Suzanne Aune

                                                Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Road/Weed/Bridge Supervisor Roger Riley


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve March 20, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve March 13, 2019 Minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Roger in with an update on the Oshkosh Snow Blower, crew is working on widening the drifted snow on the county roads and water problems in Geyser have slowed down due to freezing.


Clerk Kelly – in to set dates for Wind Farm Tax Abatement Hearings. 


Suzanne A. – updated Commissioner’s on the mechanical issues with the Stanford Ambulance.  (broke down, towed and repaired in Great Falls).


Commissioners updated the AIP Grant Oversight Risk Assessment from Federal Aviation Administration for the Biggerstff Field/Stanford Airport.  Commissioner Moore signed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to table the signing of the South Peak Wind Project Agreement until May 1st, after the Public Hearings, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioners went to the county shop and checked out the new Oshkosh Snow Blower.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                        CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY









Regular Meeting

March 27, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


ABSENT:                               Commissioner McDonald


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                MACO Health Care Trust Pam Walling


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve March 27, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve March 20, 2019 Minutes, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Don, Jim and Mandy meet with Pam Walling to discuss FY20-21 Health Insurance options and to set up a date for Pam to meet with the Health Insurance Advisory Board.  Tentative date:  April 17th – 10 a.m.; Tentative Open Enrollment date:  May 15th.  Mandy will check everyone’s schedule to see if those dates will work.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to pass Resolution FY2019-14 Rural Fire District Trustees Acclamations and Appointment, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga agreed to the sign MACO WC Trust By Law changes, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed. (Signed acknowledgement)


Commissioner Hajenga agreed to the sign MACO PCT Trust By Law changes, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed. (Signed acknowledgement)


Don, Jim and Mandy worked on the Custodian Job Description. 


Roger –

1.       MACRS Great Falls

2.       MSH Training Lewistown

3.       Culverts and flood damage to county roads

4.       Roger asked about food bought for lunch a  MSHA Training Lewistown; okayed Don & Jim






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY


Regular Meeting

April 3, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


ALSO PRESENT:                 Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Custodian Rodney Ridgeway

                                                Senator Daines Field Representative Robin Baker

                                                Keon Holzer

                                                Mary Youderian


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the April 3, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the March 27, 2019 Minutes, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Rod in on heater and work at museum with electric remodel.


Robin Baker – discussion on the possibility of an addition to the PILT formula which if passed would increase the amount of funds that low populated counties receive, missile update proposed for 2020-2030, infrastructure bill roads and bridges.  Robin will keep the county updated on these bills as they progress.


Mandy – setting dates for the County Health Insurance Board and Compensation Board meetings.


Mike- in on Emergency Operation Plan with DES.


Commissioner McDonald called Elevator Company to discuss annual inspection, repairs and maintenance agreement.


Keon Holzer in on water problems on Double G Road and culverts.


Commissioner McDonald moved to appoint Jennifer Taylor to the Health Insurance Advisory Board (replacing Larry Carver), second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Mary Youderian in on permit for Elevator Gravel pit north of Stanford. (change of ownership)






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY


Regular Meeting

April 10, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     DES Coordinator Mike Howell

                                                Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Brian Biggerstaff

                                                Tyler Youderian


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the April 10, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.               


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve Judith Basin County Emergency Operations Plan, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.  Commissioner Moore signed JB Emergency Operations Plan.


Mike Howell in with information on Employee Safety Manual that needs to be adopted.


Brian Biggerstaff & Tyler Youderian in on airport lease and talked over future plans for upgrades of hangers and runways.


Commissioner McDonald moved to designate Alcohol Tax funds to be applied to Prevention and Outpatient care in FY2020, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.  Form signed and returned to Chemical Dependency Bureau.




Present:               Co. Attorney Heather Perry

                                Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                DES/Safety Coordinator Michael Howell

                                Ambulance Coordinator Suzanne Aune

                                Custodian Rodney Ridgeway

                                Justice of Peace Nathan Hammontree

                                Sheriff/Coroner Jon Schmitt

                                Commissioner James Moore

                                Co. Extension Agent Katie Hatlelid

                                Treasure Tammy Zier

                                Commissioner Don Hajenga


Absent:                Librarian Jeanne Lillegard

                                Road/Weed/Bridge Supervisor Roger Riley

Clerk of Court Jennifer Taylor


Mike – reviewed DIStress button plan for training and testing.  Viewed security camera screen in the Sheriff Office and the procedure for saving and coping if needed.


Heather –all is good with the newest employee Anna Peterson; 2019 legal case load is light compared to 2018 which will continue to keep Co. Attorney’s office busy until at least August 2019.   County Attorney’s Association has been working the Legislatures hard this session.  However, Heather has had more conversations with Representative Barta as she has not been able to reach JB County’s Representative or Senator.  So, far so good with newly appoint Justice of Peace Nathan Hammontree. 


Mandy – School Elections in May; Hobson Clerk S Berg will conduct their election and Mandy will conduction Geyser and Stanford’s elections.  County Employee Health Insurance projected increase is 3%; working on setting up a Ins. Board Meeting to discuss increase and a change in plans.  Auditor has been working on the FY18 Audit from Kalispell and will be on site in May or June to complete the audit.  FY20 Budget worksheets will be distributed the 1st of May.


Cody – missed the last Friends of Ackley Lake meeting but, heard from several members that the meeting wasn’t very productive as State Parks and DNRC are having a power struggle and not willing to bend and let the group keep progressing.  Cody commented that they also have not had any luck at contacting our local representatives at Legislature for assistance.  Group would still like to see Judith Basin County lease Ackley Lake from the DNRC, however Cody is not at that point yet.  Commissioners & Clerk Kelly were lunch guest at the Hobson Senior Center, they all enjoyed a wonderful meal and visit with the community.


Mike – Completed DES Operating Grant 2019-20, closing out grant for the cameras.


Suzanne – Hobson Ambulance Services were busy in Dec., Jan and February new class of volunteers are exceptional and very active.  Full EMT Class will be offered every other year, unless people show an interest in having the class every year.  Suzanne is considering offering a First Responder class if people are interested.


Rodney – organizing and working on a list of duties, operating equipment, supplies and ordering for the person who will replace him. 


Nathan – office has been busy, transferring of the technology has been time consuming and the State staff have been very helpful.  The week of April 22nd Nathan will be at mandatory training.


Jon – Spring has sprung and calls have increase.  Devin has graduated from the Police Academy and Nolan left for academy on Sunday for three months.  Other new Deputy R Hays is scheduled to attend academy January 2020 unless an early opening becomes available.  Sheriff office is still waiting for delivery of the new truck that was approved for the FY19 Budget, but EPA has not released the new emergency service line as of yet.


Jim – newly posted 60 MPH speed limit past Stanford has slowed traffic considerably, Commissioners requested a speed study in the Windham area, but according to the study traffic actually does slow down when passing thru, Commissioner Moore and Hajenga attended a Boeing meeting concerning the missile upgrades scheduled to begin in 2020 and last until 2039.  Projection of workers, impact to roads, emergency departments, etc. will be impacting our area.  New lights are being installed in the Museum. 

Attend Mental Health, Council on Aging and help judge the 4-H Demonstration Day contest. 


Katie – workshops sponsored by the office this winter included; Cropping Seminar (herbicide resistance), Genetic technology, Camp Counselor training and 4-H Senior Camp (toured MSU-B, Rocky and Billings City College).  Katie also distributed JB County’s Annual Extension Report for the past 4-years that she finally received from MSU.


Tammy –sent MH & PP Tax statements, State of MT settled Phillips 66 Protested Taxes.  JB County only have Rocky MT Pipeline and Vision Net still to settle.


Don – Commissioner Hajenga and Commissioner Moore testified on behalf of JB County for the TSEP Bridge Grant at the Legislature, Commissioner Hajenga testified on behalf of JB County having a Veteran representative visit JB County again.  Attended MT Association of Road Supervisors, meeting with MT Aeronautics, Lt. Governor Cooney, Central MT Health District meetings and MACO Mid-Winter.  Don has set on several employee interview committees and help select Justice of Peace Nathan Hammontree. 


Being no further business, meeting adjourned and a luncheon was enjoyed by all.


Roger in on airport runway gravel, Road Grader repairs and to set up interviews for open position in the Road Department.  Also, discussed a call that Commissioner Hajenga received from Mike Cecrle concerning road issues.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve County Reconciliation reports for March 2019, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Clerk Kelly reported that last week when Russ with Enterprise Communications went into the phone system to make updates to voice mail and add new employees the phone system went down.  Russ thought we might be able to fix the problem by installing a refurbished voice mail card, so Russ purchased the refurbished card, tested it at his shop in Billings (twice) and everything was fine, however when he brought it to Stanford and installed it into our system it would not work.  Russ has given us three options:  1-purchase another refurbished card ($550.00 +travel +time); 2-purchase a new card ($1,500.00 +travel +time); or 3-upgrade the system ($3,500.00).  Commissioner Hajenga moved to upgrade the system, second commissioner Moore, motion passed.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY








Regular Meeting

April 17, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


ALSO PRESENT:                 Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley


Commissioner Hajenga so moved to approve the April 17, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve the April 10, 2019 Minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Earl Barta called with road concerns in the Straw and Buffalo area.


Commissioner McDonald attended SMDC Meeting in Lewistown in the morning.


Commissioner Hajenga assisted with Road Department Interviews in the afternoon.


Commissioners prepared for Custodian Interview’s that are set for Friday April 18, 2019.


Roger in on road concerns on southern and eastern roads of the county and also updated the commissioners on the road grader repairs.


Clerk Kelly reported on the deer -vs- cop car accident and insurance check received from MACO.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY













Regular Meeting

April 24, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


ALSO PRESENT:                 Extension Agent Katie Hatlelid

DES Coordinator Michael Howell

Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

Bill Neilsen/Judith Basin Rural Fire District

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Bruce Evans/Judith Basin Rural Fire District

                                                Norma Zimmer/Benchland Community Club


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve April 24, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve April 17, 2019 Minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioners reviewed and approved claims and April 2019 Payroll.


Roger Riley – in for signing of the Noxious Weed Trust Fund Grant Agreement #2019-026 (Sapphire Village White Top Project Phase 8).  Roger also reported on the repairs made to the roads after spring flooding.


Mike Howell & Bruce Evans – in on issues with the Raynesford Repeater site.


Norma Zimmer – with the reassessment that the DOR conducted the Real Estate Taxes on the Benchland Community Hall went from $30.16 in 2017-18 to $768.21 in 2018-19.  Norma was informed by the DOR that the Commissioners could forgive the taxes if they were so inclined.  Commissioner McDonald will call the DOR, visit with County Treasure Tammy Zier and County Attorney Heather Perry to find out the proper procedures to follow.


Katie Hatlelid in on meeting in Lewistown on land use on public lands on May 1st.


Bill Neilsen – in to discuss JB Rural Fire District Trustee’s concerns with the operations in the Geyser Essential Services Building. This winter when a Geyser business water froze Roger Riley allowed them to run a hose under the door (which created a gap at the top and bottom) allowing heat to escape.   Commissioner McDonald stated that the Commissioners had asked Clayton to be the contact person for the building.  It was an oversite this winter Clayton should had been contacted.  Commissioner McDonald will make sure all the entities are informed and revisit with Clayton.





PUBLIC HEARING:  South Peak Wind LLC as a New or Expanding Industry/Property Tax Reduction

Present:  Commissioner Hajenga, Commissioner McDonald, Commissioner Moore, Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly, Allete Clean Energy James Moran, John Hollingsworth, Debra Kellner and Allen Simons


Allete John Holligsworth reviewed plans, meeting with landowners, estimated start depending on the weather (May 6th) and finish date (November).  The project will have 3 Construction Managers with 2 on site at all times.  29 new towers will be installed (26 large and 3 small).  NW Energy – Power sales, General Eclectic – wind turban’s and Fagen – EPC.   Goals Safety, cattle, traffic and dust control.  The second Public Hearing will be April 25, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. Geyser School Multi-purpose room.


Commissioner Hajenga called Pierce Flooring to see about the tile repairs on the 3rd Floor.


Commissioner McDonald called Diamond Construction Nate Pierce requesting his assistance in getting Pierce Flooring to make the tile repairs on the 3rd Floor.


Mike Howell – returned from installing new equipment in the Raynesford Repeater site; the new installation did not correct the problems 100%.  Industrial will be contacted to come and have a look.


Commissioner prepared a letter of hire for Amy Lawen the applicant that was selected by the hiring board for the custodian position.







______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY























APRIL 25, 2019



PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga


ABSENT:                               Commissioner James Moore


Also present:  Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly, John Riley, Bruce Belluomini, Greg Simpson, Patrick Simpson, Allete Clean Energy representatives Tim Sweeney, Jim Moran, John Hollingsworth, Deb Kellner and Allen Simmons.


Commissioner McDonald called the meeting to order.  Tax Abatement 50% for 5 years, then increases 10% per year until 100% at the end of 10 years.  Commissioners did not bring the exact figures of the tax for the project but estimated it would be close to $500,000.00. 


Greg Simpson:  stated his oppositions to allowing the Tax Abatement.  He feels it is unfair to give them a tax break, they don’t use local people for the work, expressed concerns for the eagles and inquired if there was a study completed on bird kill (USDA Fish Wildlife and Parks has that information).  Mr. Simpson questioned what the capacity of production is?  John Hollingsworth from Allete state it is between 40% & 45%.  John stated that the power has been sold to NW Energy at a low rate and it also helps NW Energy meet their Renewable Energy Credit.  Wind Energy – Carbon Free.  Mr. Simpson stated that the power does not even stay in MT it is sold to Seattle and California.  How is this a good deal? 


Patrick Simpson:  also stated his opposition to allowing the Tax Abatement and the Wind Towers in general.  When the first project was discussed he himself did not realize the towers would be so LARGE and unattractive. 


County received an email (that was read by Commissioner McDonald) opposing the Tax Abatement from Darrel & Sandy Watkin, Patty Annala and Jeff Vaskey.


Allete Clean Energy John Hollingsworth stated that they put together a cost-effective project, prevailing wages will be paid to the workers, they will contribute and become part of the community while they are onsite.  In rural areas support is usually high. 






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY




Regular Meeting

May 1, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Justice of the Peace Nathan Hammontree

                                                Deputy Treasure Gloria Hungate

                                                Custodian Amy Lawen & Custodian Rodney Ridgeway

                                                Senator Testers Field Representative Katlin Avery

                                                Stahly Engineer Kathy Thompson

                                                Russell Point Homeowners Association Joanne Ward & John Ulies


Commissioner Hajenga so moved to approve Amended May 1st, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve April 24th and April 25th, 2019 Minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Senator Testers Field Representative Katlin Avery gathered the following questions from the JB County Commissioners:

1-      Snowy Mountain Development has brought it to our attention that the Rural Community Assistance Company (RCAC) provides Technical assistants grants that spend thousands of dollars on technical assistance programs and training that are a waste of funds.  These funds should be going to programs and infrastructure not technical programs.  Kathy Bailey with Snowy Mountain Development would be happy to provide more information

2-      It has been rumored that veteran benefits are based on annual income; if this is accurate it needs to change.  Veteran Affairs need to fight any restrictions put on our veterans.

3-      Infrastructure Bill – request Senator Tester to help fight to use these funds to make significant road improvements.  Judith Basin County would welcome financial assistance to improve Secondary Highway between Denton-Moccasin.  Trains no longer go to Denton which has farmers trucking their grain to elevators in Moccasin.  This road was originally constructed for small trucks and minimal use and now the traffic is high and everyone is driving semi-trucks w/pups.  Katlin will pass this information onto Amanda Casey head of Transportation.


Joanne Ward and John Uilas representing Russell Point Homeowners’ Association:  last week Ken Roy was burning old hay and it got away from him; homeowners got lucky and now they realize just how ill prepared they are to fight and control fire.  The association came to the commissioners for help on a structure, truck and assistants in getting the Forest Service road and county road repaired so, emergency equipment can reach them.  Commissioner explained that the fire protection falls under Hobson Rural Fire District so they are the entity to contact concerning the building and truck.  Commissioners will be happy to visit with the Forest Service on fixing their portion of the road and find out from our Road Supervisor Roger Riley when he plans on working on the county portion of the road.


Amy Lawen & Rodney Ridgeway – in to discuss custodian job and training.


Commissioner McDonald moved to pass Resolution FY2019-15/South Peak Wind, LLC New & Expanding Industry Tax Abatement; Commissioner Hajenga second, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to sign Development Agreement between Judith Basin County and South Peak Wind, LLC , second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.  Deputy Treasure Gloria Hungate notarized the Commissioner’s signatures on the Agreement.


Justice of the Peace Nathan Hammontree stopped by and reported on his class in Butte and office arrangements.


Stahly Engineer Kathy Thompson checked on culverts with commissioners on Sage Creek and Willow Creek.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY



























Regular Meeting

May 8, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                MACO Property/Lability Shannon Shanholtzer

Tyler Youderian


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the May 8, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve the May 1, 2019 minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Tyler Youderian in on update with the Airport contract.


Commissioner McDonald talked to Bing Schmitt on stock passes on roads in his area.


MACO Property/Liability Shannon Shanholtzer reviewed changes in the Property/Liability policy for FY2019-20.


Roger Riley in office on stock crossings and road maintenance ongoing after the flood damage.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY
















Regular Meeting

May 15, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda H Kelly

Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

Payne West Insurance Keith Schnider     



Commissioner McDonald moved to approve the May 15, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve the May 8, 2019 minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


 Commissioners reviewed April Reconciliation reports, Commissioner McDonald so moved to accept, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to Sign Justice of the Peace & Town of Stanford Agreement for a Town Judge, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Roger Riley in office on concerns about Spion Kop roads with NorthWestern Energy and dust problems from Shorty Harlow’s gravel pit.


Commissioner Moore called Robert Peccia & Associates Airport Engineer Bill Burkland on FAA requirements that are needed for airport updates, such as buildings, towers and other obstacles that could interfere with runway safety.


Keith Schnider from Payne West Insurance stopped to introduce himself and review what his business could do for the county concerning our MACO Property and Casualty Insurance.


Commissioner McDonald called elevator company, Thyson Krupp to check on service agreement to do maintenance when needed.  Commissioner Hajenga moved to sign agreement with Thyssen Krupp for maintenance for one-year, second Commissioner McDonald motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald called RPA Engineer Bill Burkland to let him know that he needs to contact Morrison-Merle or KLJ Engineering to proceed with independent estimate.  Commissioners also told Bill to proceed with Airport Affected Area (AAA).





______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY

Regular Meeting

May 22, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Custodian Rodney Ridgeway

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Clerk of Court Jennifer Taylor

                                                Mark & Jack Holzer

                                                Allete Clean Energy Jim Comstock

                                                Jim Sparks

                                                Tyler Youderian

                                                Robert Peccia & Assoc. Airport Engineer Bill Burkland

                                                Field Representative for Greg Gianforte Tory Scribner


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve the May 22nd Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approved the May 15, 2019 Minutes, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


David Ridgeway called on culvert issues in his area.


Rod Ridgway stopped in on water leaks in the museum roof and updates on the work done so far.


Robert Peccia & Associates Engineer Bill Burkland presented RPA’s contract for Airport Engineering Services, Task Order #1, #2, #3 & #4.  The beginning phases of the airport resurfacing project scheduled for FY2021.  FY2020 the project planning phases will begin, studies will be completed and a final recommendation will be prepared by Robert Peccia & Associates as to the final plans.  Chairman Commissioner Moore signed Federal Assistance SF-424 application and FAA/Airport Improvement Program Sponsor Certification. Bill Burkland also discussed the process to recall Judith Basin County’s FAA dollars that were loaned to other Airports and the process that will best benefit the county. 


Mark Holzer, Jack Holzer and Roger Riley in with road concerns on the Benchland Denton Road and Louse Creek Road.  One suggestion made by Roger Riley was to install a culvert to slow the velocity which in turn would slow down the erosion.  Group discussed rip-rap, water running down the ditch by the old school house and gravel pit on Cement Mixer Hill.  County plans to reclaim the pit, Mark would appreciate it if the County would pile up the little bit of gravel that could be used.


Tory Scribner representing Representative Gianforte in to discuss what is going on in Washington, D.C.




Allete Clean Energy James Comstock stopped to give the commissioners a progress report on the Wind Farm Project.  Emergency Action Plan is complete, James is still working on the Traffic Management Plan.  Commissioner McDonald asked James to visit with County Treasure Tammy Zier concerning required licensing of vehicles and equipment in JB County. 


Jim Sparks – stopped to discuss spraying at the airport and county road rights-of-way.


Jennifer Taylor – notified the Commissioners of the County Transportation date has been set for July 10th, 2019





______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY

































Regular Meeting

May 29, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga


Absent:                                Commission James Moore


Also present:                     Ambulance Coordinator Suzanne Aune

Clerk & Recorder Amanda H Kelly

                                                Custodian Amy Lawen

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Rory Gondeiro


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve May 29, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve May 22, 2019 minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioners reviewed and approved May 2019 payroll and the final claims presented.


Rory Gondeiro stopped in the office to inquire about the old dump property south of Stanford.


Amy Lawen stopped in to discuss courthouse and museum maintenance.


Commissioner Hajenga had a call from Dennis Bedosky about snow fence and road concerns from work being done on the Windfarm Construction.


Suzanne A. – Volunteers for ambulances services and the importance of conducting security checks and who is authorized to obtain them.


Commissioner McDonald appointed Susan Davis to the JB County Library Board to replace member Carolyn Jette as recommended by Librarian Board, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald called engineer Kathy Thompson on water and culver problems on the Double D Road.


Commissioner McDonald talked to Jeanne Lillegard about concerns with library funds on the remodel project.


Commissioner McDonald, Commissioner Hajenga and Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly reviewed wage formulas for FY2019-20.  Clerk Kelly will continue to make budget projections.


Commissioner McDonald and Commissioner Hajenga inspected Williams Creek Road and Spion Kop Road.  To see first hand the phone complaint received from Dennis Bedosky.


Commissioner McDonald called Jim Sparks requesting him to spray the weeds around the courthouse.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY








































Regular Meeting

June 5, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commission James Moore


ABSENT:                               Commissioner Cody McDonald


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                County Attorney Heather Perry

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Sheriff Jon Schmitt

                                                Treasure Tammy Zier

                                                Rory Gondeiro


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve June 5, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve May 29, 2019 Minutes, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Rory Gondeiro in to visit about the pending leasR for the old dump site.  Commissioner Hajenga moved to lease the dump land to Rory Gonderio as stated in the Lease Agreement. 


Roger Riley in to visit about road in Raynesford, Geyser and Sage Creek road.


Commissioner Hajenga called Jim Sparks about spraying the old dump grounds for White Top.


County Attorney Heather Perry reviewed the contracts for airport maintenance, rebuild and updates to runway (everything in order).   Heather also addressed budget increases in the County Attorney’s office due to fees and legislative increases that have been passed onto counties. 


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the Judicial Agreement with the Town of Hobson for Justice of Peace Nathan Hammontree to act as the Town’s Judge, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to pass Refund Tax Order for the Benchland Community Club, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Sheriff Jon Schmitt addressed the Commissioners about Juvenile arrested that could possibly result in time at the Regional Detention Center.


Custodian Amy Lawen – reported on the State Elevator Inspectors visit and ongoing maintenance jobs in the courthouse.


Commissioner Moore signed a Mobil Home Taxpayer Value Cancellation #2019-1 as presented by County Treasure Tammy Zier.


Commissioners reviewed May 2019 County Reconciliation Reports, Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve, second Commissioner Moore, motion passed.


Commissioners and County Attorney Perry discussed patrolling county roads due to speeding complaints.





______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY





































Regular Meeting

June 12, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga


Absent:                                Commission James Moore


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Librarian Jeanne Lillegard

                                                Allete Clean Energy

                                                Robert Peccia & Associates Bill Burkland and Mary Bell   


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the June 12th Agenda, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve the June 5, 2019 Minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga reported on the information he received on the electrical updates that have been made on new equipment that he learned about at the Cat luncheon at Tractor & Equipment in Great Falls.


Robert Peccia & Associates Engineer Bill Burkland and Mary Bell reviewed information and data that has been collected at the Stanford Airport.  This data will help make educated decisions on the updates at the airport.    


Commissioners discussed Geyser Essential Services and sending a letter to the JB Rural Fire District, JB Co. Road Department and JB County Ambulance notifying them that Clayton Annala will be the contact person for the building.  (scheduling, etc.) 


Allete Clean Energy – stopped to discuss work on the Wind Farm (on schedule) at this time.  Clarification on who needs to keep the roads repaired NW Energy and/or Allete? 


Jeanne Lillegard – stopped in to visit about library meeting and summer actives.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to pass RESOLUTION FY2019-16/Budgetary Authority for Ross Fork Creek Bridge Construction, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga; Road Interviews at 1 p.m. and Commissioner McDonald; Library Board Meeting at 3 p.m.





______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY

Regular Meeting

June 19, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Clerk & Recorder Amanda Kelly

                                                Custodian Amy Lawen

                                                Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

                                                Senator Tester Field Representatives; Caitlin Avey and Amanda Casey


Commissioner Hajenga moved to approve the June 19, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve the June 12th minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Custodian Amy Lawen on elevator problems and inspection, broken window and ongoing maintenance in the courthouse and museum.


Roger Riley in to discuss road north of Eddie’s Corner and what needs to be done and continued maintenance on county roads.


Commissioner Hajenga meet with Pierce Flooring Jeremy Whitfield and Diamond Construction Nate Pierce on June 18, 2019 concerning the 3rd floor newly installed tile floor.  It was decided that the floor will be replaced.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve Biggerstaff Field Improvement Project, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Clerk Amanda Kelly in to review FY20 wage worksheets that the commissioner requested.


Commissioner Hajenga moved to accept Taxpayer Value Cancelation, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.


Commissioners toured the Benchland Denton Road with Senator Tester’s Field Representatives Caitlin Avey and Amanda Casey for possible future road improvements that would qualify for Federal Assistance. 


Commissioners talked with Stahly Engineer Kathy Thompson about when to start advertising for bids on the Ross Fork Bridge project.






Commissioners attended Judith Basin County Compensation Board meeting at 4:30 p.m.






______________________________________                  ___________________________________

COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY








































Regular Meeting

June 26, 2019


PRESENT:                             Commissioner Cody McDonald

                                                Commissioner Don Hajenga

                                                Commissioner James Moore


Also present:                     Justice of Peace Nathan Hammontree

                                                DES Coordinator Mike Howell

Clerk & Recorder/Election Administrator Amanda Kelly

Road/Bridge/Weed Supervisor Roger Riley

Sheriff Jon Schmitt

Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools Jennifer Taylor

Treasure Tammy Zier


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve the June 26, 2019 Agenda, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to approve the Commissioner Minutes June 19, 2019 and the June 19, 2019 Compensation Board Minutes, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner Hajenga called Steven Michel’s to let him know that it has been decided not to extend the water use at the Raynesford Shop.


Commissioners meet with Sheriff Jon Schmitt, Co. Attorney Heather Perry, Treasure Tammy Zier, Clerk of Court/Supt of Schools Jennifer Taylor, DES Coordinator Mike Howell, Justice of Peace Nathan Hammontree, Clerk & Recorder/Election Administrator Amanda Kelly, Extension & Fair Katie Hatlelid and Dawnita Sampsel and Road/Bridge and Weed Supervisor Roger Riley to review individual department request for FY20 Budget.


Commissioner Moore has talked to several people concerning JB County’s seat on the Tourism Board and has heard nothing back yet.


Commissioner McDonald moved to pass Resolution FY2019-17/Frank Matlosz hourly rate for payout hours, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to pass Resolution FY2019-18/Setting FY20 Elected Official base as recommend by the JB County Compensation Board, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.


Commissioner McDonald moved to pass Resolution FY2019-19/Setting Hourly Employee wages for FY20, second Commissioner Hajenga, motion passed.






After review of the County Planner Agreement with James Yeagley Commissioner Hajenga moved to sign, second Commissioner McDonald, motion passed.






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COMMISSIONER JAMES D MOORE                                            CLERK & RECORDER AMANDA H KELLY